Employee equity programs / employee participation plans

Case studies

Munkavállalói résztulajdonosi programok dolgozói üzletrészek
In today's labour market conditions, more and more employers are looking for incentive tools that work well to keep employees enthusiastic and retain human resources.

For instance, companies can give employees a share in the company, thereby providing them with an income in the form of dividends from the company's operating results.

In the case of a public limited company, there are certain common practices and legislative frameworks, but under the new Civil Code, it is also possible to design an employee participation plan for limited liability companies.
The employee equity plan can be designed individually for the company within the relatively flexible framework of the Civil Code.
When designing an employee equity plan, great emphasis is placed on certain tax and accounting issues, which can significantly impact the plan's structure.

More and more of our clients request the development of an employee equity plan or employee participation plan, which is always tailored to the specific operations and circumstances of the company or group of companies concerned.

Lighthouse Legal - Dr. Varga M. Péter Ügyvédi Iroda
+36 30 382 9220
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