Company law

Law of companies and players in the economy

Dr. Kovács Zsófi

Head of practice:

Dr. Zsófi Kovács

Corporate law assignments are the most basic tasks of a lawyer's work. This work covers a wide range of issues, from setting up a company with a standard form of contract to formulating syndicate contracts, through assisting in organising and conducting general meetings to assisting in issuing shares. Also, it is a brilliant job to design and implement the restructuring and operational optimisation of groups of companies to help the group realise its full potential to maximise its efficiency and results.
Our firm has significant experience in the full spectrum of corporate law and provides advice and undertakes planning and representation.


Our services in this field

Company establishment, other company law procedures
A company can be formed using a so-called standard form of contract, but members may also adopt individual articles of association containing only the rules of their cooperation. Just as in the former case, personalised legal advice is necessary to assess whether the model contract is suitable to articulate the parties' intentions.
In the case of company establishment, we always identify the intentions and personal interests of the parties and, by taking all into account, draft the constitutional document or syndicate agreement which will give members guidance on how to settle their relations between each other in almost all situations.
Syndicate agreements
The term "syndicate agreement" is often used in the common language describing business relationships. However, syndicate agreements are, in fact, cooperation agreements between the members of a company which are intended to settle matters outside or more indirectly connected with the operation of the company.
The formulation of syndicate agreements is always closely linked to the content of the constitutional deed of the company concerned. Therefore, these agreements are important in determining the direction of the company's activities and regulating the business relations not directly connected to the company's operation between members. The core of the syndicate agreement is to identify the parties' genuine business interests and ensure cooperation in pursuing them. Our team takes care and helps the parties to formulate the objectives of cooperation in a face-to-face interview, assigning the legal structure best suited to achieving these objectives.

Registration of transformation, conversion, merger, spin-off, liquidation
In company law, we provide legal advice on company establishment, change registration, transformation, merger and spin-off projects. An essential task in implementing transformations, mergers and divisions is to cooperate with the accountants and auditors of the companies involved and to draft the company law documents with due care from an accounting point of view.
Our team has not only the required expertise and precision in company law but also the appropriate accounting and tax knowledge to ensure that our clients' transactions are handled in a complex and sophisticated manner.
Tax and accounting support for company law issues
Our team always takes a holistic and overall approach to the operation of companies, corporate changes relating to companies or contractual arrangements of companies, as in most cases, they have accounting and tax consequences.
Our firm designs complex solutions in line with tax and accounting constraints and options to ensure the most optimal tax environment for the remuneration of the company's owners, officers and employees.
Fiduciary asset management
Although it can provide an appropriate solution to numerous issues, there is still limited public awareness of the institution of trusts, coming from Anglo-Saxon law into Hungarian law.
Nowadays, the question of succession often arises as a problem to be solved in the life of some companies, not only from the aspect of property law, but also "legal succession" from a professional aspect. In other life stages, trusts are also ideal for helping the trustor to segregate and secure an asset for the benefit of the beneficiaries.
In addition to the customary solutions, we often examine the possibility of trusts and propose using them if advisable.
Lighthouse Legal - Dr. Varga M. Péter Ügyvédi Iroda
+36 30 382 9220
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